Tuesday 5 October 2010

Nutty Alexander

Nutty Alexander

My cocktail I have produced this week is called The Nutty Alexander. This cocktail is a variation of the classic Brandy Alexander. This is a basic yet effective drink, as the winter nights set in and Christmas is approaching this sort of the drink accompanies this time of the year perfectly. The Daily Echo which I write cocktail recipes for have asked for more of an autumnal drink, so as well as publishing this drink here for you guys it will also be in my local Daily Echo. Hope you guys enjoy this.

Ingredients - 35ml Hine cognac, 25ml Frangelico, 15ml Mozart chocolate liquor, 50ml 50/50 (even measures of milk and cream) Cinnamon 

Method - Add all the ingredients apart from the cinnamon into your mixing glass. Fill the mixing glass up with hard ice and shake for 30seconds till the tin is ice cold. Double strain the contents into your Martini glass. For those really cold winter nights this drink can be served hot by putting the ingredients in a pan and heating it on the hob, this makes the drink just as enjoyable.

Garnish -  Garnish the drink with either a cinnamon rim or flamed cinnamon.

Tasting notes - The Nutty Alexander should be a creamy drink with the hints of Frangelico bringing the nuttiness out in the drink. The cognac should be predominant but not too overpowering. The cinnamon adds a nice sweet twist complementing the other ingredients.

Calorie Count -  (roughly) 265kcal

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